Monday 5 September 2011

How To Add BigRock Domain To Blogger

This post features a tutorial on how to add a custom "BIGROCK" domain to Blogspot / Blogger Blogs.

I am assuming that you have already purchased your domain from

Step 1. Login to your account.

Step 2. Click on "Domains" (from navigation - menu) and then click on "List All Orders".
A list showing all your domains will be displayed.

Step 3. Click on the domain.

Step 4. Click on the DNS tab (found on the top navigation - menu) and then on "Manage DNS". We will have to make changes in the DNS settings.

Step 5. Click on CNAME Records and then on "ADD CNAME RECORD"

We will now add two CNAME records one with the www prefix and the other without the www prefix. Why this is important is explained with an example.

Suppose you have registered
Adding two CNAME records would allow us to point both and to your blogspot blog. Thus even if someone does not type in the www prefix, he would be able to access your blog.

Step 6. Adding the CNAME Record

1. With the WWW prefix
For Host Name type "www"
For Value type in "" (within the space provided for typing in a fully qualified domain name) and then click on Add Record and you record would be saved.

2. Next we have create another record without the www prefix
Again click on Add CNAME record.
For Host Name enter nothing
For Value type "" and click on Add Record

Step 7. The final step is link the domain to your blogspot blog. Go to your blogger dashboard and click on settings and then on publishing. Next Click on "switch to custom domain" and then on "advanced settings"
Here enter your domain with www prefix as and hit the save button. Click on the publishing tab again and select Redirect to

NOTE: It would take some time (upto 48 hours but usually lot less than that) for the domain settings to propagate across the internet. 

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